Third time's the charm <maybe>

"contrast dye" - iodine-based solution injected to make 
tissues show up better on the x-ray.



> Whoops, meant "contract dye" not "contrast die"
> <back to sleep>
> bb
> > Beth-
> > 
> > actually, the worst part was what I didn't say before - 
> > when they put the "contrast die" solution in, and I felt 
> > like they inserted Wizard charcoal lighter fluid, 
> > dropped in a match, then said "don't move".
> > 
> > <sorry>
> > 
> > -Ben
> > 
> > > > had a carotid angiogram in 1983, had to lie down for
> > > > hours afterward with a heavy sandbag on my groin.
> > > 
> > > My dad said this was the absolute worst part of the test.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > the test itself was true joy - lying on an ice-cold,
> > > > uncomfortable flat table, with some other things I won't
> > > > mention going on, and a cheerful voice says "now, don't
> > > > move!!"
> > > 
> > > My dad said this part was uncomfortable but not nearly as bad as the top
> > > part.
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
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