On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 1:39 PM, Scott Stroz <boyz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 1. Nike (so far) has pledged their support. I will agree they may have
> a right to know, but that does not translate into the whole world
> knowing.

As an equity holder in Nike I demand to know why my money is being spent to
sponsor him.  I demand details.

> 2. That is a risk you take with sporting events, especially golf
> tournaments. Any number of things could prohibit him from playing in
> any tournament, and none of them are any of our business, even if you
> bought a ticket because he was 'scheduled' to appear.
No one is writing that these risk do not exist.  What I am trying to say is,
I want an explanation if he doesn't show up.   You say it is none of our
business.  I'm giving you a reason why it is my business.  I paid money to
have a chance to see him play.  He stated he is withdrawing due to "the
incident."  I want to know what the incident was.  Just saying it isn't my
business doesn't make it so.  I'm telling you why it is my business.  I want
a good reason why it isn't my business.

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