Your 'Header' div is set to a height of 191px, not tall enough to contain
the 'welcome' div. You're probably ok removing the height designation

On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Duane <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm flat out stuck on a CSS issue that is over my head and I'm hoping
> someone can throw me a life line.
> The design for our new site has been done for a while but something done
> recently caused an issue with IE7 and I cant figure out for the life of me
> what happened.
> The site is as on IE7 the "Welcome to
> Sandy Bay" banner ends up behind the gray boxes below. It appears correctly
> on IE8, FF3, and Safari, but in IE7 its fubar.
> If anyone can point me the right direction I would appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> Duane

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