Not saying that what he did was right in the least. ... but I don't know why wealthy people don't use proper escorts instead of screwing Strippers, Hookers, and hotel workers. How many individual escorts have come forward and admitted that someone had an affair? NONE.
Again I'm not saying that what he did was right, but if you want some spice in your life and you're filthy rich there are safer ways to get it. Human psychology will tell you for a fact that the personality type that drives top sportsmen, actors, athletes,senators, presidents etc. to excel and to be at the top of their game, is the same personality type that would have difficulty not tapping some ass. Sadly there is a high probability that if he didn't go for some tail he wouldn't be the world's top golfer. And it isn't just men, it holds true for powerful women as well. There are just fewer men willing to come out and say I boned that girl for money, for obvious reasons. And remember, I'm not saying that what he, or anyone else did was right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: