I was three when Dad put me on stage to sing for the first time.  I
was nine when he handed me his bass guitar and told me to play it.  I
was too young to understand that I wasn't supposed to know how to
play, so I played.  48 years later, still playing.

It's great that you're teaching her.  She'll thank you later.  But she
won't necessarily be better than you.  I never approached the level of
musicianship that my dad had.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:
> Word. I feel the pull, but Ellie has real instruments and will learn
> from real musicians. She is 3 years old today and rocks the kazoo,
> drums, egg shakers and playing rhythm guitar while I work on chord
> fingerings.
> She'll be a far better musician than I, but it will be from real
> music, not video games.
> Judah

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