
Me and my daughter spent some time with Wii bowling today.... she kicked my

We did some boxing tonight... I won the 2 out of 3.... but my six year old
did KO me in the second game!

We're having a blast with this thing.... my mom had a race with Mario
Kart.... not sure I'll jump into her car again!


Yves Arsenault

"Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend".
--Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 11:29 PM, C. Hatton Humphrey <>wrote:

> > MarioKart... she loves..
> That's my son's birthday gift (on 1/12... he'll be 5)
> > We're gonna be bowling later tonight!
> Funny story to go with this.  Wife and I discovered that you can play
> bowling 2P with one remote so we tried it.  It was a blast.  You get
> the noise of the bowling alley without the smells AND you don't have
> to pay for mixed drinks!
> I love how they work the other Mii's in the system in to other games.
> Our kids (errr, their Mii's) were sitting behind us as we bowled.
> Fun stuff - just - over-did it a bit yesterday.  I'm *definitely* out
> of shape!  Guess that's part of the reason I asked for the darn thing
> tho.
> Hatton

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