I've been planning on calling Verizon for a while because I noticed
that my phone bill is about twice what a new customers would be. I'm
not in any contract so I can change at any time, so contract is not an
issue. I just called Verizon and asked about a new plan and they were
able to offer me what everyone else would be paying along with $5 a
month off for a year, which was part of a new customer's benefits.
Part of because a new customer also gets a compaq netbook computer
along with their new account.

Now I'd be more than happy to sign up for a 1 or 2 year contract if I
got the same (or better) than a new customer but the answer to that
was no. Even after mentioning the desire to look over other companies
plans, all I got was an offer of another $5 off for a year. After over
14 years of service with the company, all I get is a thank you and a
tiny offer to stay on.

Am I being petty over a little computer worth only a few hundred
dollars? No. I'm being petty because I feel slighted. scorned.
"we got you now we can forget about you"

So now the question is, who has better service?


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