On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Medic wrote:
> In over 10 years of doing it this way I can count the number of times I've
> been unable to connect to my dev servers on one hand... the one that only
> has two fingers and no thumb.

So what do you do when you're on vacation in the boonies and the
messenger pigeon comes with that "the world will collapse in on itself
if program X isn't doing Y by Z time"?

Sounds like a pretty boring decade (or you are very lucky), but
whatever flicks your bic.  :)p

I don't /have/ to rely on anything but me.  You /can/ rely on
anything, but with my way, you don't /have/ to.

Plus you learn stuff it never hurts to know (sorta like learning HTML
even though you could just use a WYSIWYG editor).

But I *love* knowing how stuff works... a lot.

And I like sanity checks.

It'd be painful to not know if I'd changed something, or if someone else had.

With your set up, you're putting a lot of faith in stuff you cannot
"see" (and apparently been pretty lucky thusfar-- but it *is* luck),
which is fine and dandy, but I prefer to make as much of my own luck
as possible.  To keep the "luck" contained to things like gravity
working and whatnot.

It's a trust issue.  And a sanity/memory issue.

I like to know *I'm* the one who's crazy and/or untrustworthy.


God expects but one thing of you, and that is that you should come out
of yourself in so far as you are a created being made and let God be
God in you.
Meister Eckhart

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