Hi Everyone,

I have a sticky situation and I'm not sure how to proceed. I own my company and 
due to some issues with a client's inability to pay thier bills just I had to 
lay off a couple of my developers. I explained that these layoffs were 
temporary but that there was no way to guarentee when I would be able to bring 
them back full time.

Here is where the sticky situation comes in. I have a client that we've been 
working with for a couple of months on very small things, and are/were very 
close to closing a major deal with them. The deal is such that I would have 
been able to bring everyone back full time. During his time off one of the 
employees went direct to the client told them that we were financially unstable 
and sought full time employment with the client. I have all my employees and 
contractors sign NDA and Non Competes that prevent this sort of thing. 

If you were in my shoes would you prevent the person from working as a full 
time employee with the client? Unfortunetly it impacts more than just myself 
because getting this contract would allow me to bring back the other developer 
I had to layoff.


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