I don't see Jochem's post so I guess gmail sucked it up. The cost to upgrade
the speed for what they use it for I'm told isn't worth it to them. I've
already attempted mirroring data to another machine that can then be
downloaded through ftp all day long but I don't think I can do this

-----Original Message-----
From: Cameron Childress [mailto:camer...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 10:08 AM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: backups offsite

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 9:14 PM, Scott Raley <sra...@itc-llc.com> wrote:
> I am sure this has been addressed before but i'm getting hit up more
> and more on how clients can get their data backed up off-site. They
> are tired of doing the usb drive swap or making sure a tape is taken
> with them. Most of them  have a 3megx768 dsl or cable connection.. a
> few have 7x1 but they have gigs of data.. It doesn't have to be a full
> backup.. I'm sure incremental would work but what services have you
> used to do off-site backups with such low end connections?

Well, if they have a really slow connection and a very large amount
(~50G) of data, you're really unlikely to find a satisfactory online
solution.  Even with incrementals you're going to have to start
somewhere and that initial backup might be painful.

The rsync to the cloud idea from Jochem is not a bad one if you find
the time it takes acceptable.  You can also rsync to/from alot of NAS
appliances.  You could drop one of those onsite or connect to it from

At a certain point the cost (in time and aggravation) of dealing with
this over a slow connection is greater than the cost of just upgrading
the DSL connection to have a faster upspeed.  Have they priced a
faster connection?


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