>From Slashdot:

"When President Obama said in his State of the Union address on
Wednesday that the country should build 'a new generation of safe,
clean nuclear power plants,' it was one of the few times he got
bipartisan applause. Now the NY Times reports that administration
officials have confirmed their 2011 federal budget request next week
will raise potential loan guarantees for nuclear projects to more than
$54 billion, from $18.5 billion, and a new Energy Department panel
will examine a vastly expanded list of options for nuclear waste,
including a new kind of nuclear reactor that would use some of it. The
Energy Department appears to be getting close to offering its first
nuclear loan guarantee. Earlier this week, Southern Co. Chief
Executive David Ratcliffe said the company expects to finalize an
application for a loan guarantee 'within the next couple months,'
while Scana Corp., which has also applied, is 'a couple months behind
Southern' and is hopeful of receiving a conditional award 'sometime in
the next months.'"

Finally our gov't is starting to prep for the coming energy crisis.

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