>From everything I've read, yes.

(The speed improvements, not the ease of training or rapid development)

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 4:57 PM, Vivec <gel21...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Are they right?
> -------------
> "One of the key values at Facebook is to move fast. For the past six
> years, we have been able to accomplish a lot thanks to rapid pace of
> development that PHP offers. As a programming language, PHP is simple.
> Simple to learn, simple to write, simple to read, and simple to debug.
> We are able to get new engineers ramped up at Facebook a lot faster
> with PHP than with other languages, which allows us to innovate
> faster.
> Today I'm excited to share the project a small team of amazing people
> and I have been working on for the past two years; HipHop for PHP.
> With HipHop we've reduced the CPU usage on our Web servers on average
> by about fifty percent, depending on the page. Less CPU means fewer
> servers, which means less overhead. This project has had a tremendous
> impact on Facebook. We feel the Web at large can benefit from HipHop,
> so we are releasing it as open source this evening in hope that it
> brings a new focus toward scaling large complex websites with PHP.
> While HipHop has shown us incredible results, it's certainly not
> complete and you should be comfortable with beta software before
> trying it out."
> Read full blog post :
> http://developers.facebook.com/news.php?blog=1&story=358

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