> -----Original Message-----
> From: morchella [mailto:morchella.delici...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 2:23 PM
> To: cf-community
> Subject: Mobil phone questions droid vs. windows mobile
> ok i need some data from you savvy folks.
> i need a quick list of pros/cons
> boss wants droid phones. his boss want win mobile.
> i am un familiar with both, since i own a virgin burner.

Very generally WinMo is a more traditional platform - very focused on
synching and extending the desktop.  Android is an "online" platform: most
comfortable as an extension of the suite of online Google apps.  WinMo has a
lot of available software, but does suffer (like Windows itself) from a
desire to maintain backwards compatibility.  Android currently suffers from
your basic "1.0" problems: there are bugs and rough edges and a lack of
software - but it's no worse than anything else and quite a bit better than

There are some simple levers to any decision tho:

+) If your company is on Outlook/Exchange then nothing syncs as well as
WinMo.  Although pretty much anything CAN Android is generally the WORST at
it.  If your company is on GoogleApps then Android is a shoo in.  If you're
company (like mine) is on Lotus Notes then you might as well just give the
whole mess up - you're lost.

+) By the same token if your company uses MS office then the office support
in WinMo is second to none.  Android isn't too shabby tho' - and works
incredibly well with Google apps.

+) If you're a Windows shop there are some technical tools that are
available for WinMo and not (currently) available for Android.  There's a
remote desktop client, active directory support, a MySQL client and a few
others.  I'm sure that most of this (at least the non-MS stuff) will be
available for Android as well, but it will take time.

I will say that you shouldn't consider anything below WinMo 6.5 - it's just
not worth it to start out less than that.  6.5 still has some baggage from
previous versions, but is generally smooth and easy to use (it's modeled
more after the Zune interface than previous WinMo iterations).  But the
version of IE in 6.5 is light-years beyond the version in 6.0 (very near
desktop quality), the messaging application is significantly enhanced (I
love that you can finally sync RSS feeds directly from Outlook) and the home
screen is much more usable.

I'd also do some research on the specific phones as well - many companies
customize the OS interfaces.  Personally I detest this: they try to "cover
up" OS problems but just succeed in adding to the confusion when you're
invariably thrown back into the normal OS at some point.  HTC, for example,
has some GREAT phones but, on both WinMo and Android, tries to cover up the
standard interface.  Their replacement is nice looking, but slow and clunky
(more flash than function) in my opinion.

That said I actually have an HTC Touch Pro that I've upgraded to stock WinMo
6.5 and I love it generally.  The phone is a little under-powered (not a
problem if you don't multi-task) and the camera is useless unless the
subject is completely still but it's still a great phone.  All the
trimmings: wi-fi, 3G, GPS, accelerometer, etc.

The keyboard is really nice (if a bit cramped on the top row for my ham
hands) and some nice touches (the control panel is actually a capacitive
touch panel - lots of neat tricks).  Call me crazy but I still greatly
prefer a stylus - even if means a resistive touch screen rather than

Jim Davis

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