In an attempt to do something other than political discussion, I
figured I'd attempt a somewhat-regular thread on cool music that
people are discovering, either from new bands or from old bands that
might be new to others.

My first contribution is a great cover by The Wood Brothers of Midnight Rider:

The bass work on the Wood Brothers might sound familiar to some of you
and if it does, it is because that's Chris Wood of Medeski Martin and
Wood fame. This band is a side project for Chris Wood with his brother
who's name I forget off the top of my head. The newish duo is a nice
combination of jazz and bluegrass influences and the playing is really
tight. The above video is a studio recording from their new album.
Highly recommended.

Anyone else want to contribute? Link away!

Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists

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