On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 12:43 PM, Michael Dinowitz <
mdino...@houseoffusion.com> wrote:

> There are people who register Republican so they can influence the
> Republican party votes but they vote Democrat (or other) when the
> chips are down.

Yes, I know, I think they are the worst kind of partisan trash.  My
apologies if this describes people here, but that's just how I feel.

If you can't argue your ideas to the people on their merits, you should
probably rethink your ideas...instead of trying to sabotage the other guys.
"Influencing republican party votes" is just a euphemism for trying to
ensure their best candidates don't make it through their primaries. Such
action only casts doubts on your own ideas, if you ask me.

I berated a guy on another list who admitted to doing this very thing. The
only thing worse, in my opinion, than being a blind partisan hack...is being
a dishonest blind partisan hack.

With a little perseverance you can get things done
Without a blind adherence that has conquered some

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