
In the middle of a Spyware Doctor antivirus scan, my compooter screen of deadliness.

When I restarted it requested that I check the C:\ Drive for errors.

During the scan it must have picked up over 300 files that had to be
'recovered'. I don't know where they were recovered to....but whatever was
recovered seems to have been corrupted.
I also don't know where to find a log of the files that were recovered.

So right now Google Chrome keeps crashing, there is no text box in Firefox
mozilla, and that crashes after being open for a few minutes.

I am now doing a System File Check scan.

But I think I may need to do a reinstall.


I remember giving advice that with a new machine, once the system is setup
the way you want...use software to make a disk image.

I did not take my own advice :(

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