eh. ID came up in mine when I was a kid, for what that is worth.

Scott, curriculum is often used by homeschoolers to mean teaching
materials. If that what you are looking for, or an entire program?
Cause the names I mentioned before are schools, not publishers. Have
you asked at your homeschool group?

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:32 AM, G Money <> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 12:27 PM, Scott Stroz <> wrote:
>> Please note I said 'quality, secular curriculum'.  The quality in
>> there is not just for the subject matter, but how the course materials
>> are laid out, teacher's supplements, etc.
> Gotcha. So you were able to find some secular stuff, you just didn't like it
> for one reason or another.
>> And, honestly, the only subjects I am concerned with in this is
>> history and science.  We use grammar books from Rod & Staff (the
>> publishers are Mennonites) and some of the example reading has
>> religious themes, but I am OK with that. I have even told my wife that
>> if the math book says 'Jesus has 12 apostles, if 3 of them go to the
>> bathroom, how many are left?' I would be OK with that. But, when it
>> comes to history and science, I prefer tah tGod and religion be left
>> out.
> Are Catholic schools out of the question?
> Seriously....16 years of Catholic education, and never once was Catholic
> doctrine crusaded as fact. No Creationism in biology class...nothing like
> that. Ever.
> Plus smaller class sizes (generally), devoted teachers
> (generally)......price is always an issue though.
> --
> I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
> The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had

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