Remember we had a discussion which included disagreements on Planned

Some said that it does not exist in the technology marketspace, all we
are actually seeing is innovation.

One of the examples of Planned Obsolescence and the
manufacture-sell-dispose cycle used was computer chip manufacturers
who require new motherboards be purchased to upgrade processors.

Intel's next line of processors has a ONE PIN difference from the previous line.

Now some people may think that there was no way that Intel could have
added the performance enhancements and the other features on this chip
without having to change ONE PIN, but you know what?
I really doubt it.

I think it is more a business move, so motherboard manufacturers move
product, computer makers move product,Microsoft moves product (windows
and office preinstalled on most PCs) Intel gets new chips to market in
new systems and the entire mechanism moves onto yet another
consumerist cycle - Planned Obsolescence.

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