I'm with good company (you queef assholes), here in this fucking
profanity folder.

At least I visualize it that way.

"Why are all these dudes in this here box?"
"Oh my!"

Well, that sounded a little different than it looked in my noggin, but whatevez.

Yes, I said vaginal fart.


There is but one cause of human failure. And that is man's lack of
faith in his true Self.
William James

On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:47 PM, Judah McAuley wrote:
> My great grandfather only had one cuss word:
> Nogoodsonofabitchinmotherfuckinhoryeyedbastard
> Also, excellent Carlin reference.
> Shit, crap, corruption, snot
> 24 assholes tied in a knot
> Rolly Poley Pigs Ass Holy
> Yay Ray Lizardshit Fuck.
> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 5:42 PM, Scott Stroz wrote:
>> Lets see if this gets through:
>> Shit, piss fuck, cunt, cock sucker, mother fuck & tits.
>> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 5:50 PM, Kris Sisk wrote:
>>> First off, I'm not complaining. I find this amusing actually.
>>> I had this list set to send me a digest every 8 hours, but I was only 
>>> getting one to four digests a week. I didn't think much of it because I 
>>> usually look at the archive anyway. Yesterday I was in our email quarentine 
>>> looking for an important email that had been blocked and found all the 
>>> CF-Community digests. Apparently they've been getting caught in our email 
>>> filter under the profanity rule on a fairly regular basis.

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