There's a website called Little Green Footballs which is kind of
politically focused. The site owner has not so recently moved more
towards the center and away from what he sees as more extreme right
wingers. I generally have no comments or concerns over what he posts
except for a recent topic where he injected his own interpretation of
events that really bothered me. The topic? Kids with American flag
shirts told to remove them as being culturally insensitive to Mexicans
on a Mexican holiday.

The LGF blogger's interpretation of the article and video was that the
kids were deliberately trying to insult the Hispanic students. I read
the article and watched the video and could see no deliberate insult
in action or words. Was there something written there that I missed?
Some tradition that I'm unaware of that the students are more keyed

As for the students right to wear the flag, the district said there
was no policy or problem on their level so it was school
administration's interpretation of rules. And personally, I don't care
what country's flag you wear on the 4th of July in the US. I'm not
going to be offended by a Mexican flag then or any other time nor
should Mexicans be offended by the US flag.

NSFW side comment
As a side thing on extremes - when NY Major Bloomberg was asked about
the attempted bombing in NY, he brushed off questions of Islamic
terrorism with a comment that it could well be extreme tea-baggers.
This of course got me wondering how one can be an extreme tea bagger?
Three balls at once? While wearing an anti-Obama mask? I guess I'm too
innocent to know. ;)

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