So you're agreeing with me again?

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Kris Sisk <> wrote:
>>I never read new testament: I know ... I should.
>>It was the court of gentiles; which was temple property; but not
>>inside and not the holy grounds part.
>>I guess I should read-up on how to use semi-colons before I start
>>using them again :)
> Yes, it was the Courtyard of the Gentiles (also known as the Outer Court), 
> but it was also a part of the temple itself. Something you have to understand 
> about the temple: the further into it you got the fewer people there were who 
> were actually allowed to go to that part. The Courtyard of the Gentiles was 
> the part of the temple that everyone was allowed to enter.

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