Given the schedule that most congressional reps and senators keep, if
they were able to sleep with 5 women and maintain a marriage, they
deserve a round of applause, or at least have somebody take away the
speed they're on.

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Vivec <> wrote:
> I see behaviour and performance in the public office for which someone was
> elected as far, far more important than what they do or do not do in their
> private life.
> If I elect someone I personally do not consider whether they are married,
> divorced, white or black. You expect a certain performance level along
> certain metrics.
> In the US system it seems that someone could balance the budget, secure
> world peace, and solve global warming...but if the US public finds out that
> he slept with 5 women while married they would want him out of office.
> In my view, it's a ridiculous and hypocritical judgement system. And
> politicians make it worse by running on platforms such as "Family Values" or
> "Anti Gay" etc. etc.
> Which should correct themselves first, the Political campaigns or the
> electorate, is up for debate.
> On 19 May 2010 12:23, Sam <> wrote:
>> Guy that cheats on his wife and lies about it not as bad as guy that
>> steals my money.

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