Good luck?

-----Original Message-----
From: Vivec [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2010 3:16 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Elections in Trinidad Tomorrow.

So...Election Day is Tomorrow in Trinidad and Tobago.

The Prime Minister was forced to call elections after the opposition moved
to bring a motion of No Confidence against him, and after months of
allegations of corruption; A Commission of Enquiry also found that a massive
state company required criminal investigation of its Board of Directors and
Executive after a series of billion dollar projects undertaken with the
backing of the tax payer's money.

There was even more drama when a key player in the Obama campaign, Bernie
Campbell was turned back at the airport under our local immigration act as
being an 'undesirable' in the country. The US Embassy sent a polite letter
to the Minister of National Security requesting an explanation and the order
was lifted two days later. Bernie was working with the Opposition party to
assist them in their elections campaign.

So we have been treated to a campaign of 'change' in Trinidad. With black
and white photos, a Female leader of the Opposition running for Prime
Minister, and lots of happy feel good music at rallies.
On the ground the reality is a runaway murder rate, a public (and some would
say Private) healthcare system that is in a shambles, unbridled
environmental destruction in the name of Industrialisation, and a population
sharply divided along tribal and ethnic lines regarding politics. While
things are not all gloomy, I think the average Trinidadian deals with a huge
amount of stress on a day to day basis just from existing within this
society. Perhaps that is why so many look forward to the Carnival Season :-)

The Polls say that the elections could go either way, and that no party has
a clear chance of winning. This is our fifth election in ten years. We are
supposed to have elections every 5 years (We operate on the British
Westminster system).

No one is sure what Tuesday will bring. It's a dicey time; we seem to be at
yet another turning point in our national development.

Just thought I'd share :-)

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