"I still don't see the big deal here..."

No offense, but I am not surprised.  I don't think any subscribers to the
list would be surprised.  Read these.  They may enlighten you.

18 U.S.C. § 600 : US Code - Section 600: Promise of employment or other
benefit for political activity<http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/uscode/18/I/29/600>

Whoever, directly or indirectly, promises any employment, position,
compensation, contract, appointment, or other benefit, provided for or made
possible in whole or in part by any Act of Congress, or any special
consideration in obtaining any such benefit, to any person as consideration,
favor, or reward for any political activity or for the support of or
opposition to any candidate or any political party in connection with any
general or special election to any political office, or in connection with
any primary election or political convention or caucus held to select
candidates for any political office, shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

18 U.S.C. § 211 : US Code - Section 211: Acceptance or solicitation to
obtain appointive public office<http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/uscode/18/I/11/211>

Whoever solicits or receives, either as a political contribution, or for
personal emolument, any money or thing of value, in consideration of the
promise of support or use of influence in obtaining for any person any
appointive office or place under the United States, shall be fined under
this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

Whoever solicits or receives any thing of value in consideration of aiding a
person to obtain employment under the United States either by referring his
name to an executive department or agency of the United States or by
requiring the payment of a fee because such person has secured such
employment shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than one
year, or both. This section shall not apply to such services rendered by an
employment agency pursuant to the written request of an executive department
or agency of the United States.

18 U.S.C. § 595 : US Code - Section 595: Interference by administrative
employees of Federal, State, or Territorial

Whoever, being a person employed in any administrative position by the
United States, or by any department or agency thereof, or by the District of
Columbia or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or by any State,
Territory, or Possession of the United States, or any political subdivision,
municipality, or agency thereof, or agency of such political subdivision or
municipality (including any corporation owned or controlled by any State,
Territory, or Possession of the United States or by any such political
subdivision, municipality, or agency), in connection with any activity which
is financed in whole or in part by loans or grants made by the United
States, or any department or agency thereof, uses his official authority for
the purpose of interfering with, or affecting, the nomination or the
election of any candidate for the office of President, Vice President,
Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of
Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident
Commissioner, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than
one year, or both.

This section shall not prohibit or make unlawful any act by any officer or
employee of any educational or research institution, establishment, agency,
or system which is supported in whole or in part by any state or political
subdivision thereof, or by the District of Columbia or by any Territory or
Possession of the United States; or by any recognized religious,
philanthropic or cultural organization.

There is no guilt yet.  Sestak may be lying.  If he is not, someone
committed a felony

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