I also received one of those letters.  It really ticked me off to see that.
My wife saw it on the counter and stuck it in with the other bills to pay.
I emailed register.com and sent an email telling verisign how disgusted I
was with this type of behaviour .  They didn't respond, of course.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Raley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 7:14 AM
Subject: Re: NetSol/Verisign being sneaky buggers

> yes, they are mailing letters to register.com and godaddy.com subscribers
> telling them that they need to renew their domains and gives them
> which are instructions to transfer the domain to verisign.  Register.com
is now
> sueing them over this.
> I received one of the verisign letters and notified godaddy and verified
> godaddy still had my domain. godaddy has sent out a letter to its
> "Philip Arnold - ASP" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 05/22/2002 07:00:19 AM
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To:   CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:    (bcc: Scott Raley/LPEC/ASD/SEMCORINC)
> Subject:  NetSol/Verisign being sneaky buggers
> * Copied from a post on another list *
> It appears Verisign/Network Solutions is getting
> even more desperate to stop the bloodletting of
> people moving domains from them to other registrars.
> They now appear to be disguising their "transfer
> approval request" e-mails as their own spam, and
> burying the ACTUAL intent of the message in a dense,
> second-to-last paragraph, after three paragraphs
> touting their "Unsurpassed Quality and Service".  :-O
> A key line you need to use is packed in the middle
> of the paragraph.  As if that isn't bad enough, the
> subject line includes only the Verisign tracking number
> and the generic and oh-so-spam-like:
>      "Information about your account"
> In their previous versions, the intent of the message
> was clear - subject included tracking number and phrase:
>      "Change of Registrar Authorization Request"
> and you could easily pick out/copy the "YES" line you
> need to paste in the subject line of your reply.
> I've pasted the new version and an old version down
> below for reference - judge for yourself which is more
> clear.
> I have no doubt these tactics are being used in hopes
> people will delete the e-mail immediately thinking it
> just another Verisign sales pitch, instead of replying
> with the required "YES" line in the subject to complete
> the transfer of the domain AWAY from Verisign.
> Of course if the e-mail isn't replied to within 96 hours,
> the transfer request dies, and the domain stays with
> Verisign.  How convenient for them.  I guess they have
> to do something to retain domains after a court order
> halted their latest direct mail "marketing" campaign:
>      http://news.com.com/2100-1023-913730.html
> I would say it's hard to believe they're actually
> trying to _take advantage_ of the fact people will DELETE
> these messages (since people tend to delete spam-looking
> mail very quickly without reading it thoroughly)....
> I WOULD say it's hard to believe that, but then again,
> this is Verisign/Network Solutions we're talking about.
> I'm sure when/if they're called on it, we'll hear the
> usual drivel about it being a harmless, unintentional error
> by some lackey, that Verisign would never try to mislead
> or deceive current or even leaving customers, blah, blah,
> blah...
> Again, judge for your yourself - here's the "new" version,
> followed by the "old" version:
> Subject: [NIC-020521.xxxx] Information about your account
> Dear Valued VeriSign(r) Customer:
> You know the value of being a VeriSign(r) customer.
> We've put 6 million customers on the Web and are the
> industry leader in domain name registration and digital
> trust services, enabling everyone, everywhere to engage
> in online commerce and communications with confidence.
> ****************************************************
> Unsurpassed Quality and Service
> FREE access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
> Get help when you need it. Customer Support is available
> by phone, e-mail, and through our Web site.
> Manage all your services with our easy-to-use, Web-based
> interface. Set up your Web site, add additional e-mail
> boxes, modify your contact information...it's all in
> one place.
> ****************************************************
> We take every effort to protect you against unauthorized or
> fraudulent registrar changes. We've received a request to
> Change the Registrar of your domain name XXXXXXXXXXXXX.COM to
> another registrar. You're a valued customer, and we want
> you to remain with VeriSign. To keep your domain with
> VeriSign, no action on your part is necessary. To
> authorize a change of registrar, copy and paste the line
> below into the subject line of your return email:
> If you don't respond within 96 hours from the time stamp of
> this email, the request to Change Registrar will be denied.
> The timestamp of this email and the time to respond are
> based on Eastern Standard Time. If you have any
> questions, please email us at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> At VeriSign, we've been building online identities since the
> Internet was introduced. We will continue to put this
> experience and reliability to work for you. Thank you for
> being a VeriSign customer.
> (c) 2002 VeriSign, Inc. All rights reserved.
> Subject: [NIC-020413.xxxx] Change of Registrar Authorization Request
> Dear <customer>:
> Network Solutions/Verisign has received a request to Change the
> Registrar of
> your domain name, XXXXXXXXXXXX.COM, to Tucows, Inc.. In order to protect
> you
> against unauthorized or fraudulent registrar changes, we want to obtain
> your
> authorization before we act to change your registrar.  Please reply to
> this
> email by copying and pasting the appropriate response as described
> below:
> If you wish to remain with Network Solutions, copy the following line in
> its
> entirety and paste it into the subject line of your return email
>      [NIC-020413.xxxx]:XXXXXXXXXXXX.COM:581234:TRANSFER=NO
> If you wish to change the registrar, copy the following line in its
> entirety
> and paste it into the subject line of your return email
>      [NIC-020413.xxxx]:XXXXXXXXXXXX.COM:581234:TRANSFER=YES
> If you don't respond within 96 hours from the time stamp of this email
> in
> the manner described above, the request to Change Registrar will be
> denied.
> Please be aware that the timestamp of this email and the time based on
> which
> to respond are based on Eastern Standard Time.
> If you have any question regarding this message, please respond to
> Philip Arnold
> Technical Director
> Certified ColdFusion Developer
> ASP Multimedia Limited
> Switchboard: +44 (0)20 8680 8099
> Fax: +44 (0)20 8686 7911
> www.aspmedia.co.uk
> www.aspevents.net
> An ISO9001 registered company.
> **********************************************************************
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
> the system manager.
> **********************************************************************
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