Venezuela has seized control of 11 oil rigs owned by Helmerich.

The oil wells have been idle for a while.  Helmerich turned them off because
the PDVSA (the state ran oil company) has not paid $43 million dollars for
work that Helmerich says it was owed.

Venezuela countered that it should not owe that much since oil prices
unexpectedly collapsed two years ago.  Basically, Venezuela doesn't have the
money to pay, contract be damned.

Helmerich refused to renogatiate, so the take over was declared.  Some
companies have accepted re-negotiations.  They have managed to keep their
oil wells, at least for now.

The action has been condemned by the US State Department.  "We would just
call on them to--if they did make such a move--to compensate the owners of
those wells," said State Department spokesman Mark Toner.  We'll see if this
hard-line approach means anything.

It will be interesting to see if anything else happens.

Since 2007 Caracas has nationalized companies in industries from oil to
utilities, to telecoms, cement, steel and banking.

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Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are
putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it - Mark Twain

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