Funny I heard an interview recently with some iranian mulla who used
almost the same language when he issued a fatwa against immoderate
dress for women.

I think the common element here is the fundamentalism/intolerance.

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 11:53 AM, Zaphod Beeblebrox
<> wrote:
> just reading some of these comments makes my jaw drop....
> " know for sure that cleavage causes me to lust. I can't say that I don't 
> like seeing it, but it causes me to sin, therefore it is not good for me to 
> be looking at it."
> "We'll think of what you look like in only your underwear. Also, if we can 
> see the lines of your undergarments under your clothes, than your clothes 
> themselves are not modest."
> and the list goes on...It's almost like these "christian" guys are saying, if 
> you don't dress to my standards, you will incur my lust and I'm not 
> responsible then.

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