I assume you are balking at the "cousins" bit.  Eh.  Different strokes 
for different ... cultures.

Among the Yanomamo in the Amazon, One is actoually encouraged to marry 
their first cousin, but only if the cousin is the child of the opposite 
sex of whichever side of the family they come from.  Say a male is 
looking for a mate.  His mother has a brother and a sister.  The brother 
and the sister both have a daughter.  It is OK for the male to marry the 
daughter of his uncle on his mother's side, but not the daughter of his 
aunt on his mother's side.  This is reversed for the father's side of 
the family.  Also, in another group of peoples from the same area, the 
mother of one's wife is considered one's sister.

(Sorry.  Just completed a course in Cultural Anthropology =-p)

Anyway.  What is weird to us is normal to someone else.  *shrug*

Still, it is hard to look passed what one has been culturally 
conditioned to.

I find it all very fascinating.

Condoning 'incest' for a better tomorrow!

On 8/10/2010 1:34 PM, Tony wrote:
> http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/08/10/arizona.escapees/index.html?hpt=T2
> yeah.

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