The code that replaces each letter at a time will be much slower as it
is looking through the entire string for a match for each letter. The
RegEx isn't doing any real work for the pattern match as it is getting
everything. The replace is also not a lot of work as it's just
shifting everything within a certain range (lowercase) to a different
range (uppercase). Ascii shift, basically.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 11:30 AM, Medic <> wrote:
> Haha. Now THAT is a nice waste of space. I like how you test for the
> existence of the letter before you replace it.
> This actually makes me want to run speed tests on what would be faster:
> 1. testing for existence of lowercase letter - replacing lowercase with
> uppercase using replace.
> 2. not testing and just replacing the lowercase with the uppercase using
> replace.
> 3. just using replacenocase and replacing all letters with the uppercase
> equiv.
> I bet if I showed this code to my boss he'd be like "whoa, that's deep."
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Jacob <> wrote:
>> Not a function, but..
>> <cfset tempString = "WhAtEvERStriNG">
>> <cfif find("A", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "A", "a", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("B", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "B", "b", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("C", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "C", "c", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("D", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "D", "d", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("E", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "E", "e", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("F", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "F", "f", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("G", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "G", "g", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("H", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "H", "h", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("I", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "I", "i", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("J", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "J", "j", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("K", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "K", "k", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("L", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "L", "l", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("M", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "M", "m", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("N", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "N", "n", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("O", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "O", "o", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("P", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "P", "p", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("Q", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "Q", "q", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("R", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "R", "r", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("S", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "S", "s", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("T", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "T", "t", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("U", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "U", "u", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("V", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "V", "v", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("W", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "W", "w", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("X", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "X", "x", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("Y", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "Y", "y", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfif find("Z", tempString) gt 0>
>>        <cfset tempString = replace(tempString, "Z", "z", "ALL")>
>> </cfif>
>> <cfoutput>#tempString#</cfoutput>
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Rick Root []
>> Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 10:18 AM
>> To: cf-community
>> Subject: Dysfunctional contest
>> Write a function to convert a string to lower case
>> Do not use lcase()
>> Example:
>> <cffunction name="toLowerCase" access="public" output="false"
>> returnType="string">
>>        <cfargument name="src" type="string" required="yes">
>>        <cfset var result = "">
>>        <cfloop from="1" to="#len(arguments.src)#" step="1" index="pos">
>>                <cfset thisChar = mid(arguments.src,pos,1)>
>>                <cfif asc(thisChar) gte 65 and asc(thisChar) lte 90>
>>                        <cfset result &= chr(asc(thisChar)+32)>
>>                <cfelse>
>>                        <cfset result &= thisChar>
>>                </cfif>
>>        </cfloop>
>>        <cfreturn result />
>> </cffunction>
>> PRIZE:  Respect for writing incredibly convoluted code, or lack of respect
>> for having time to waste on such inanity
>> Alternatively, write your own convoluted function for something similarly
>> simple.
>> This thread was inspired by the following article:
>> 1
>> Rick

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