What bits did you find especially kooky? I disagree with Schmidt's
position that we don't need privacy regulation because the market will
correct itself, but most of the things he is saying in the interview
that El Reg is selectively quoting is pretty spot on in my opinion.
Here is the original interview in the WSJ:


On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Robert Munn <cfmuns...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good gravy, is he serious? His lack of understanding about people just
> amazes me.
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/08/16/schmidt_wsj/
> ---
> Increasingly bonkers Google governor Eric Schmidt has seen the future,
> and you might have to change your name to be a part of it.
> According to the man in charge of the company de facto in charge of
> the web, young people's tendency to post embarrassing personal
> information and photographs to Googleable social networks means that
> in the future they will all be entitled to change their name on
> reaching adulthood.
> Of course, in the UK and US at least, everyone already has the right
> to change their name. However, according to an interview in the Wall
> Street Journal Schmidt "apparently seriously" predicts that erasing
> your identity so you are not embarrassed when others Google you will
> become a common rite of passage.
> ---

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