At the same time I like Eugene Robinson's discussion from today's
Washington Post:

Even Beck can't mar King's legacy
By Eugene Robinson
Friday, August 27, 2010; A19

The majestic grounds of the Lincoln Memorial belong to all Americans
-- even to egomaniacal talk-show hosts who profit handsomely from
stoking fear, resentment and anger. So let me state clearly that Glenn
Beck has every right to hold his absurdly titled "Restoring Honor"
rally on Saturday.

But the rest of us have every right to call the event what it is: an
exercise in self-aggrandizement on a Napoleonic scale. I half-expect
Beck to appear before the crowd in a bicorn hat, with one hand tucked
into the front of his jacket.

That Beck is staging his all-about-me event at the very spot where the
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his immortal "I Have a Dream"
speech -- and on the 47th anniversary of that historic address -- is
obviously intended to be a provocation. There's no need to feel
provoked, however; the appropriate response is to ignore him. No
puffed-up blabbermouth could ever diminish the importance of the 1963
March on Washington or the impact of King's unforgettable words.

Lincoln and King will always have their places in American history.
Beck's 15 minutes of fame and influence are ticking by.

The most offensive thing about the rally is Beck's in-your-face boast
that the event will "reclaim the civil rights movement." But this is
just a bunch of nonsense -- too incoherent to really offend. Beck
makes the false assertion that the struggle for civil rights was about
winning "equal justice," not "social justice" -- in other words, that
there was no economic component to the movement. He claims that
today's liberals, through such initiatives as health-care reform, are
somehow "perverting" King's dream.

But Beck's version of history is flat-out wrong. The full name of the
event at which King spoke 47 years ago was the "March on Washington
for Jobs and Freedom." Among its organizers was labor leader A. Philip
Randolph, the founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and a
vice president of the AFL-CIO, who gave a speech describing the
injustice of "a society in which 6 million black and white people are
unemployed and millions more live in poverty."

Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), then an official of the Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee, was the youngest speaker at the march. "We
march today for jobs and freedom, but we have nothing to be proud of,
for hundreds and thousands of our brothers are not here -- for they
have no money for their transportation, for they are receiving
starvation wages," he told the crowd. Referring to proposed civil
rights legislation, Lewis said: "We need a bill that will provide for
the homeless and starving people of this nation. We need a bill that
will ensure the equality of a maid who earns five dollars a week in
the home of a family whose total income is $100,000 a year."

>From the beginning, King's activism and leadership were aimed at
securing not just equal justice but equal opportunity as well. When he
was assassinated in 1968, King was in the midst of a Poor People's
Campaign aimed at bettering the economic condition of all
underprivileged Americans, regardless of race.

But why am I wasting my breath? Glenn Beck isn't interested in
history, and he certainly isn't interested in the truth. He just likes
to set off little rhetorical firebombs that grab attention -- and
boost the ratings for his television and radio shows.

Since Beck has called President Obama a "racist" and accused him of
having a "deep-seated hatred for white people," it's safe to assume
that some people will attend Saturday's rally because of a sense of
racial grievance and an urge for some kind of payback. But many will
attend for other reasons, and they're the ones I feel sorry for. As
the growth of the Tea Party movement clearly demonstrates, millions of
Americans feel alienated from their government, distressed about the
economy and frightened of the future. Their concerns deserve to be
heard. Instead, their anxieties are exploited by hucksters who see
fear and anger as marketing tools.

Saturday night, when the event is done, the Lincoln Memorial will
still be the place where King gave one of the most memorable speeches
of the 20th century. People who came to the rally in search of answers
will still be looking. And Glenn Beck will still be a legend in his
own mind.

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 4:31 AM, Robert Munn <> wrote:
> Lincoln was a Republican and ended slavery. Maybe that's why Beck is
> holding his even there. What a dummy.
Larry C. Lyons
The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.
 - B. F. Skinner 

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