A close look at the Saturday "One Nation" rally in Washington reveals
something quite telling. It was a major gathering of the "progressive"
left, highly billed, vigorously promoted. And it happened to include
-- in fact, it warmly accepted -- the endorsement of Communist Party

Expectedly, a bunch of the rally's endorsers carried the word
"progress" or "progressive" in their title, from People’s Organization
for Progress to Progressive Democrats of America. More still
unhesitatingly describe themselves as progressive, from racial
eugenicist Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood to Norman Lear's heirs
at People for the American Way, plus the usual suspects from the
"social justice" Religious Left.

And then, too, there was CPUSA.

Why is this so remarkable? It's remarkable because historically,
communist involvement at these rallies has been meticulously
concealed, hidden from progressives, with the communists using the
progressives as props -- as dupes. That the two sides here, on
Saturday, happily accepted one another, proudly uniting, shows how far
to the left progressives have moved, not to mention their unflagging
confidence under the ascendancy of Obama-Pelosi-Reid.

My personal experience on this is very instructive. I've chronicled
how communists, for a century now, cunningly manipulated progressives,
surreptitiously drawing them into their rallies, protests, and
petitions, not letting themselves (or their intentions) be known. I
have fliers from marches sixty and seventy years ago, with many of the
same endorsers that were there on Saturday, but with CPUSA's name
smartly absent, even as CPUSA members canvassed the rally, if not
spearheading it.

Back then, the communists' stunning successes suckering progressives
shocked even Moscow. They fooled them right up to the front gates of
the White House in the summer of 1940, where the hideous communist
front the American Peace Mobilization duped even the New York Times
into headlining it as a "clergy group." They pulled off an
extraordinary stunt in Chicago in the summer of 1968, sabotaging the
Democratic National Convention. Communists managed to enlist
progressives into undermining their own Democratic presidents and
parties and platforms.

As an indicator of the success and duration of this manipulation,
consider this fact:
When Congress, in December 1961, published its seminal investigation
of communist fronts, titled "Guide to Subversive Organizations and
Publications," a product of research dating to the founding of the
American Communist Party in Chicago in 1919, the most popular index
listing started with the word "Progressive." It was progressive groups
that were misled, used, abused, and infiltrated more than any other.

How long has this continued? All the way to the 2008 election.

Consider the group Progressives for Obama, formed during Obama's
presidential bid. It was loaded with and even founded by some hardcore
communists from the 1960s. Consider merely two of them: Tom Hayden,
one of the group's four founders, and Mark Rudd, one of the 94
original signers. Hayden and Rudd had been leaders of Students for a
Democratic Society (SDS), which subverted the policies and plans of
Democratic presidents ranging from Vietnam to the 1968 convention. In
2008, both Hayden and Rudd suddenly reemerged as "Progressives for

Rudd’s take on how Obama won the 2008 election is shrewd -- and dead
on. Understanding that moderates and independents made the difference,
Rudd noted the crucial importance of Obama not openly conceding his
far-left views. Rudd wrote,

Obama is a very strategic thinker. He knew precisely what it would
take to get elected and didn’t blow it. But he also knew that what he
said had to basically play to the center to not ... scare centrist and
cross-over voters away. He made it. ... And I agree with this
strategy. ... Any other strategy invites sure defeat. It would be
stupid to do otherwise in this environment.

Basically, what Rudd said is that Obama hoodwinked "centrist" and
"cross-over" voters. As Rudd rightly put it, Obama couldn't be candid
about his true intentions in "this environment." That's an environment
where Americans, in poll after poll, have described themselves as
"conservative" over "liberal" by a margin of 2:1, by approximately 40%
to 20%, for decades now. Incredibly, those numbers were unchanged even
on November 4, 2008, when Obama easily won the election.

Thus, a candidate like Obama can succeed only by pushing his agenda
guardedly. He ran as a centrist, not as National Journal's certified
"most liberal senator in 2007." It worked. As Rudd put it, Obama
"didn't blow it."

America’s exalted moderates and independents were duped by a nebulous,
catch-all-be-all banner of "change." Now, the progressives are in
power, ready to implement the kind of change they had in mind all

And now, with Obama having secured victory, the likes of Rudd and
Hayden -- shocked that the electorate finally voted for their kind of
guy -- have been less circumspect about their intentions. Rudd urges,
"Here's my mantra: 'Let's put this country on our shoulders and get to

Rudd has rolled up his sleeves, as have his erstwhile comrades.

And that was precisely what spilled into the streets on Saturday,
October 2 in the "One Nation" rally, fittingly centralized in
Washington. This time, however, the collective was unafraid,
buttressed by a confidence that coaxed the communists out of the
closet and into the welcoming arms of "progressives."

Gee, you'd think that after the collapse of the USSR and the Berlin
Wall, and after 100 million corpses, progressives would be fleeing
communists like the plague.

The election of Obama-Pelosi-Reid in November 2008 -- by America's
"independents" and "moderates" -- has dawned a new day for the
American Left -- or, at least perhaps, until November 2010. We shall

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