On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 2:09 PM, denstar <valliants...@gmail.com> wrote:

> To you 1 instance occurring on one side is the same as 5 on the other,
> but come on.

I was actually two to three and that's only because you weren't
offended by the hundreds of anti-semitic comments.

> If that was the point of this exercise, I never would have posted, as
> the "whoppers of 2010" provided all the data needed to "prove" the
> point that the Republican Party is worse.

Alright, how are you proving is evil? The tea party, republicans,
conservatives or anyone that didn't go to the fear rally?

> Yes, because of the Asses, so to speak.  Meaning Democrats. (get it?  Asses?)

I fell for it. They are asses.

> The Republicans roll deep on complaints, but shallow on solutions.
> "We'll fix the economy and create more jobs!"  Um, how?  Doesn't seem
> like they've "changed" much, and /they are the ones who got us into
> this mess!/

How can you say they have no solutions when you dismiss them as racist fools?
They have solutions but you refuse to listen.
You know the tea party folk are all about the constitution but you
don't care because they didn't yell at Bush for spending, and they
didn't have an armed revolt.

> "NO!" isn't a solution to the complex problems we face as a country.

But what is what we're doing is? What was that fake insanity thing
about doing the same thing over and over but expecting different

> Maybe some proof that the crap is piled equal or higher on the Democrats side?

So you just going to pretend you didn't read it. The ole' Eddie
Murphy: Lalalala I can't hear you!

> Again, there is a difference between a low number and a high number.

Why do you refuse to admit your side has more nuts? At least admit
they're the same amount.

> Why didn't you post any data showing that the factcheck numbers were 
> incorrect?

It's a lot of lies to look up data on, and they aren't really lies but
misleading gray areas like everyone blames Limbaugh of doing.

I'll do one just for kicks.

The first one:
Some ads go so far as to claim (falsely) that the law would cause
Medicare patients to lose their doctors


WASHINGTON — The number of doctors refusing new Medicare patients
because of low government payment rates is setting a new high, just
six months before millions of Baby Boomers begin enrolling in the
government health care program.

Recent surveys by national and state medical societies have found more
doctors limiting Medicare patients, partly because Congress has failed
to stop an automatic 21% cut in payments that doctors already regard
as too low. The cut went into effect Friday, even as the Senate
approved a six-month reprieve. The House has approved a different

So technically it's not Obamacare that's causing the problem, but it
will be in it kicks in.

> Why did Republicans have the "funnier" whoppers, do you think?

Fact check .. Annenberg .. Bill Ayers .. Obama
connect the dots

> So why do you keep stating that I said they were?

I didn't, why are you saying that I said you were?

> Maybe that "vote the bastards out" isn't much of a solution?  Didn't
> we just try that?

No. His term expired and the Dems still have a majority. So who was voted out?

> Did you watch the rally?  Maybe just the closing speech?

I watched  a few minutes here and there.

> Ah, you didn't.  Or you would have seen the clip real, which contained
> clips from all the major news networks.  Liberal and Conservative.

Wow that's awesome... right?

> Wow, my own side?  It must be true then!  Polarization isn't a problem at all!

Hah, ends up they're libertarians but they all voted for Obama.

> Hell, you can look at the legislation and see that voting down party
> lines doesn't happen much, right?

I'm drifting out... what are we talking about again?
Ok I went back and checked, we were talking about the tea partiers
being dismissed instead of debated.

They weren't really republicans until they were viciously attacked by
dems as racist idiots. Now they're republicans because they accepted
them and listened, somewhat. I think they will listen more tomorrow.
We could of had a real third party! Isn't that exciting?

> Or maybe we should stick to talking feelings, and what people say.
> What people do is overrated, right?

Now we're back to the thick skin part? That gay comment really messed you up :P

>> The side that wants to talk about the spending, that wants to hold the
>> government responsible for their votes. The ones that went to the town
>> halls last year and begged reps not to pass the stimulus and not to
>> pass health care. But according to you if they don't take up arms we
>> should ignore them.
> Ah, yeah, the side that has proposed all the solutions, too!

Why is it all or nothing? Can't they just say it's not working let's
get together and try something else without getting kicked to the

> There's only one side that really cares, right?

So you keep telling me.

> You still don't see how that is more divisive than saying "we need to
> come together as a nation"?

I still don't see how telling people to STF and accept what the
democrats do as a come-together kind of moment.
You call them haters and dividers because they expressed their love of
religion in a peaceful harmless way.
Why do think that's a threat.

> Yes, the results of today will unite our nation in purpose like never before!

No, but it'll get the shits that don't listen out of office just like
we did in 2006.
Maybe this time they're listen. Maybe they'll just go back to their
old ways felling safe now that the people know the alternative. That
would suck.

> I don't want riots, man, I want unity, which is exactly what I've been
> not showing in this thread.  Ironic, that.  =)

You want unity? Vote out a dem today.
You do realize I'm arguing D's and R's are equal and you're arguing
R's are the worst of the worst and while D's are not perfect, they are
compared to the R's?

> Maybe I should change my strategy?

Or re-read what we're saying.

> Eh.  I don't consider you an enemy, or even an opponent, really.

Obama does, sad huh? How about that unity you wanted. Let's start at
the top. I am not his enemy!

> There is one thing I know for certain:  We need each other.

That's so sweet :}

> Cool!  Being at war with terror was a silly idea anyway.  We could use
> the that money elsewhere.  Though I don't mind being in Afghanistan so
> much...

It's the good war?
You do realize Obama keeps the war power then?

> Totally!  I'm there, dude!  Right after I g

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