"No, really, look at what the progressives have done - trapped us into
an economic death spiral caused by the biggest Ponzi scheme in history.
Thanks progressives!"

As far as Ponzi schemes go, SS is a beauty.  It makes Madoff look like
an amateur.
Current recipients are paid the money by multiple payees.  Every generation,
there are more recipients due to improvements in life style and health care
but there are less people to pay into the system (There were 16.5 workers
for each Social Security recipient in 1950. Today there are only 3.2 workers
per recipient. According to current projections, in 2030 there will be fewer
than 2 workers per recipient). To add more to the problems , there is a
social security trust fund filled with IOU's.

And the piece de resistance, the payees have to sign up, but
the recipients can opt out.

Bernie could never compete with that.  He had to con idiots into signing up.

"Should Social Security go private? . . . Its trust fund is a fraud used
chiefly to mask the size of the federal deficit . . . Social Security
surpluses now are spent immediately on other federal programs. The trust
fund's assets that opponents to change count on are nothing but a pile of
federal IOUs. Boomers will have to depend on the generosity of workers to
pay thousands more in taxes. Or of lenders to loan the government trillions
of dollars at reasonable rates. Or they'll see their benefits slashed a
third." -Editorial USA Today May 30, 1996

The truth is that the Social Security Trust Fund has already been stripped
bare. There is no trust and no fund.  It is a lot like the S&Ls. The savings
and loans had a lot of real estate on the books, a lot of property, a lot of
shopping centers, a lot of deposits, and everything else, until you looked
inside and found out there was nothing there. The assets were mostly on
paper.... Meanwhile, the Social Security cupboard is bare. - Senator Ernest


“The program is designed so that contributions plus interest on the
investments of the social security trust funds will be sufficient to meet
all of the costs of benefits and administration, now and into the indefinite
future—without any subsidy from the general funds of the Government. Both
the Congress and the Executive Branch, regardless of political party in
power, have scrupulously provided in advance for full financing of all
liberalizations in the program.” - Literature about Social Securit

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