Huffington Post has a good article that explores this line of reasoning.

That fragile democracies give way to radical islamic theocracies (Iran).

"While some are talking loudly and long about cutting government
spending, it is doubtful they will discuss cuts in a $40-billion-plus
annual "intelligence" budget. This, despite the fact that our
intelligence services and our far-flung diplomatic network failed to
foresee the historic upheaval now underway throughout the Western end
of the Muslim world.

There is at least an even chance that we are now entering a rare cycle
of history that may take 20 to 30 years to resolve itself, with
autocracies giving way to fragile democracies that in turn will evolve
into radical fundamentalist regimes (think Iran), and possible civil
wars. For the world's greatest superpower, this is a quandary. It is
an even greater quandary when that superpower depends for a quarter of
its oil imports on supplies from that region."

It also explores the influence of the West (Including US of course) in
these regions.

On 2 February 2011 20:17, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
>> Vivec wrote:
>> And you know what? Right now I think Mubarak is right where the west
>> wants him to be, until they can figure something else out.
> One line of reasoning might go this way:
> Thus the position of anyone who is pro-democracy might be that Mubarak
> is "right where he should be" until a pro-democratic force able to
> govern reveals itself.

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