And glaciers always expand and retreat at different and unpredictable
rates. Actually, Chamonix lost a skier in a crevice and someone
predicted 70 years or so later his body would appear and he was

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 4:40 PM, Eric Roberts
<> wrote:
> There is no 'stereotypical' Himalayan glacier," said Bookhagen. "This is in
> clear contrast to the IPCC reports that lumps all Himalayan glaciers
> together."
> Bookhagen noted that glaciers in the Karakoram region of Northwestern
> Himalaya are mostly stagnating. However, glaciers in the Western, Central,
> and Eastern Himalaya are retreating, with the highest retreat rates --
> approximately 8 meters per year -- in the Western Himalayan Mountains. The
> authors found that half of the studied glaciers in the Karakoram region are
> stable or advancing, whereas about two-thirds are in retreat elsewhere
> throughout High Asia. This is in contrast to the prevailing notion that all
> glaciers in the tropics are retreating.
> (
> SO as is noted...he is just saying that they are not all retreating, but a
> majority of them are in retreat (aka shrinking, melting, etc...).  Which
> means that the region, overall is receiving less snowfall and longer warming
> periods...with the exception of a few places meaning that there is some
> localized weather differences.  That isn't odd in mountainous regions.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sam []
> Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 15:43
> To: cf-community
> Subject: Re: Paul Krugman Blames Egypt Crisis On Global Warming
> On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Ian Skinner <> wrote:
>> The last I heard, glaciers are still melting and all that water is
>> going to go somewhere.
> That was bad data and has been retracted.
> Even the left leaning Telegraph noticed this
> -glaciers-not-melting-because-of-climate-change-report-finds.html
>> What is idiotic is people who think the northern hemisphere is the
>> entire world.  I wonder what all our Southern hemisphere neighbors
>> currently suffering heatwaves and very energetic storms think about
>> all the snow you keep harping about.
> So Hemp is the AC for the Antartic which is getting too much snow pack. Or
> something like that.
> You do realize it's summer there? Heat waves in the summer in South America,
> is that a new thing?
>> Don't you feel a little simpleton that global warming of a couple of
>> degrees is a shit ton of energy when calculated over the entire
>> surface of the globe, but that it is not going to equal year around 100
> degree days.
> I feel like a little simpleton trying to point out how ridiculous you sound.
> Do you really think the earth has warmed a couple of degrees?
>> Stronger and heavier winters WHERE predicted by the proponents of
>> climate change years ago BEFORE they arrived.  Yet you seem to feel
>> that those predictions coming true somehow proves the predictions wrong.
> They got caught lying and you still use it as proo

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