I've done a lot of WordPress, and I think the ddos is more of an issue
at the host level than the software level, so I've got that handled as
best it can be. I just thought someone might be aware of something
more bullet proof.

But anything you want to forward I'll read.  Best sent offlist to

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 9:48 AM, Jerry Milo Johnson <jmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have to say, WordPress is pretty secure, if you take proper steps, make
> sure your plugins and themes are tight (don't choose sloppily coded
> plugins), and stay up to date with updates.
> ddos is an issue though, as high speed for high hits is not its overall best
> attribute.
> I have lots of security articles and hints and tips for wp if you decide to
> go that way.
> Jerry Milo Johnson
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 12:37 PM, Maureen <mamamaur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm setting up a political blog that is gonna aggravate a lot of
>> people on both sides of the political spectrum.  It's called Slapping
>> Idiots for Fun and Profit. (http://slappingidiots.com/)
>> I need a blogging platform that is very secure as I suspect it will
>> quickly become a hacking target.
>> Blog doesn't have to be CF.  Wondering if anyone here has any
>> experience in that area and could make a recommendation.

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