On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 7:46 AM, Chris Stoner <csto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I *think* this is more a result of you guys having the same argument over
> and over again for 3 years.  Sure the thread title might be different on any
> given day but ultimately its the same damn thing: you're a "commie", you're
> a "fascist", blah blah blah, bush sucks.  Ultimately people get fed up and
> angry and lash out.  Well aside from Eric, he is just batshit crazy and will
> lash out at anything.

I was seeing some of this behavior in myself and that's why I decided
to spam filter Sam. He's the only person I've ever done that too but I
was realizing that it my reaction to him wasn't healthy. So I stopped.
Didn't make a big announcement of it or anything, just changed my
behavior. I still slip up on occasion, true enough, but I think I've
done a good job of ignoring the vitriol more and focusing on other


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