For all you movie buffs. I'm trying to think of a foreign movie I
watched in early 09, I know I watched it at home but can't find it on
my Netflix history, so perhaps I rented it locally.
Anyways, I'm sure it was a new release at the time, so maybe it was
released in January or February 09.
I'll try to explain as much as I know, hoping someone has seen it.
It's a foreign movie, and had a short movie title, maybe even 1 word.
However it may be called something else (foreign language) and then
translated to this 1-2 word title. I thought it was called the
Warrior, maybe something on those lines like Fighter.. who knows..
I'll look for that later.
It takes place in the past, (before gunpowder). And what I can
remember is it centers around a guy he's sent to a village with
several others, *I think* to punish them on orders from the local
leader, king, whatever. I think he spares someone, perhaps a female
and maybe one of the others he was sent with tells on him.
I remember he goes back to his hut which was isolated and takes his
son out hunting. They return and those same guys he was with is at his
hut. They kill his family and the rest of the movie is about him and
he son getting revenge. I think maybe his son gets killed by the same
guy that killed the main guy's wife.
I can't think if the guy was Middle Eastern or Asian for the life of
me.. But he was white.
Anyways, I know this is super vague.. I hope someone has seen this
movie and can shed light on what the title is.


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