On 4/12/2011 6:51 AM, Scott Stroz wrote:
> http://tinyurl.com/6xap9t3
> I can understand asking, or even requiring that lunches from home be
> more nutritious, but to ban them completely AND force families to pay
> the mandatory lunches is ridiculous.

I am glad that homeschooling works for you.  But I do hope you are not 
one of those zealots who believe 100% of us should be doing the same.  
Because I know that my children are getting a much better education at 
their public schools (though the older one is in a charter school) then 
I could ever provide them.  I have enough trouble getting homework 
taught successfully.

But I agree that school lunches in America are largely a joke.  There 
was a National Geographic article a few years ago that compared American 
school lunches with similar programs in other industrial nations.  We 
pay something like twice as much for half the nutrition then the others.

I sure wish all school lunches could be as good as what I had in a tiny 
(100 student) Junior High in the mountains of Idaho.  We had three 
dedicated lunch ladies that actually made fresh hot food daily, 
including baked bread, at the school.

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