Scott Stroz <> wrote:
> A good point. I guess I got so riled up by Gruss' insane scenarios I
> was unable to see the humor. Sorry.

There's this thing called "high concept" where you take something (a
meme, an idea, a trend, etc) and you extrapolate it out to it's
extreme possible conclusion.

The best thing about it is that you don't know if the result will be
humorous or serious.

Michael Crichton is best known for this with things like Jurassic Park and Coma.

I like to do that with political stuff.

I really could care-less about Palin or Trig or whatever.  But since
I'm stuck in front of computer and bored, it's fun (for me I guess) to
take a side of an argument and draw it out.  It could be worse, I
could decide to order a briefcase of crack and some pr0n stars.

Doing that with the Palin thing, it made me conclude that:

(1.) Politicians ought not to bring their kids anywhere near campaigns

(2.) If, through their own actions, they do get their kids caught up
in politics they should fix it or, if they can't/shouldn't for some
reason, then they should bow out.

I get all your points, I just think I've come to realize that your
argument shifts the accountability to others when it actually lies
100% with Ms. Palin.

A parent's career impacts their kids.  That impact is 100%
controllable by the parent.  If they don't think their career choice
(school, city, country, house, neighborhood) is good for their kids
then they should quit/leave/change.

That's why I don't have kids: I'm not ready to make those trade-offs.

If Ms Palin doesn't like the questions, she should leave politics just
like you'd leave a bad neighborhood.  Are the neighbors part of the
problem?  Sure.  But the control and choice and accountability is your

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