She was asked to show her own birth certificate and refused? That is news to me.

When she starst clamoring that Obama's children are not his, and asks
for Obama to produce the birth certificates of those children, then,
and only then, will this argument and analogy make sense. Until then,
its just as much bullshit as the 'birthers' still clamoring that Obama
was not born in this country.

On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 6:06 PM, Eric Roberts
<> wrote:
> " Proving the former would only make her look like more of an ass."
> I think that's the point all the screams for Obama to show his
> (which he did) and her refusal to do the same that she is screaming for
> Obama to do...if she want to not be hypocritical, then show the birth
> certificate...or is she hiding something ?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Stroz []
> Sent: Friday, April 22, 2011 01:16 PM
> To: cf-community
> Subject: Re: Sarah Palin's Grandson Trig
> To me, this is the difference.
> If Pailin is not Trig's mother, she could still legally serve as president
> (as frightening as that may be).
> If Obama is not a citizen(as unlikely as that may be), he cannot (as far as
> I understand) legally serve as president.
> Proving the former would only make her look like more of an ass.
> Proving the latter would have very far reaching effects - and I shudder to
> think of the fallout.
> I still fail to see how these are remotely related, even after pushing it
> through the 'Gruss FIlter'.
> I loathe Pailin, I really do. But let's leave her family (those still
> minors) out of it. Trig has done nothing wrong, its not his fault his mother
> is a bloody lunatic.
> On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 2:00 PM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
>> Scott Stroz <> wrote:
>>> What claim? I think you are comparing apples to Volkswagons.  I do
>>> not think Trig is going to be running for public office anytime soon,
>>> so why would his birth certificate come into question?
>> It's really quite simple: Ms. Palin introduced him on the campaign
>> trail as her son.  Any and all claims on the campaign trail should be
>> vigorously questioned.
>> In contrast Mr. Obama did not ever bring up his citizenship on the
>> campaign trail.
>> So I agree with your logic:
>> The questioning of Mr. Obama should be dropped and we should insist on
>> seeing documentation from Ms. Palin's campaign claim

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