Most places do not stock inventory as that is considered a loss.  They
usually do things in real time.  Plus...if they don't have inventory, in
order to create more inventory, there would have to be demand.  They don’t
create inventory for shits and giggles.  The 300 million people have little
to no disposable income.  They are there, but they are not spending because
they don’t have the money to spend.  People are not going to spend money
when they don't have it.  Obama?  You are kidding, right?  This was done
long before he came into office...

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam [] 
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 09:12 AM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: Not So Much: Taxes Discourage Millionaires

On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 10:52 PM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
> Sam <> wrote:
> And, btw, there's nothing to invest in.  US corps are sitting on 
> trillions, and have spent the last 3 years getting rid of excess 
> inventory.

If they got rid of old inventory then they would need more.

> The only thing left for them now is to produce for customers, only 
> their customers have drawn down.

Customers are there, it's like the cell phones and tablets, you keep making
more and people keep buying because they want t have the latest. People have
the money to waste, they just aren't encouraged to do so, except from Apple,
so they are saving. Companies, other than Apple, don't want to try to draw
out that money because of fear of getting  punished. If they take their pile
of money and build a new plant and the gov fines them after it's built for
not being green enough they may be forced into bankruptcy. Better to wait
until it's safe.

> Profits are made from customers.  No customers = no sales = no jobs.

Where do you think the 300 million people went? They're still here and they
still shop.

> So what do you do?  You give tax cuts to customers, i.e., us, and you 
> give us hope for the future by fixing the deficit so we'll spend.

People aren't going to spend extra money when unemployment is around 10%.
They're saving for the inevitable.
Our economy is on a collision course and the only way to save it is to
change drivers or crash and rebuild. Since it's too late to change drivers
we're crashing.

I here there's no turning back it's too late. The only hope now is to let
the dollar crash and issue new currency.
Once Japan floods the market with our useless bonds it's over.

> That supply-side shit might've worked before we were fully globalized 
> but now we are.  You can't expand a business by "investing" when you 
> have no customers on the entire planet!

It has nothing to do with supply side or globalization. It has to do with
too much spending and printing too much money. In two years we floated
enough bonds and and printed enough dollars to render them worthless. Worse,
we made the dollar worth one third it's value while tripling the debt.

What you need to ask yourself is if Obama did this on purpose or is he just
a fool.

> Why would you invest?  So you can expand to the moon?  There.  are.
> no.  customers.  on. the. planet.
> Give it up with the business invest shit.  it's over dude.

After chatting with my neighbor I think your right. We're beyond saving. But
now we know what not to do the next time. Yet I bet you still swear
Keynesian economics will work the next ti

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