WOW.. another tools. Two minutes into using the demo I purchased it!

-----Original Message-----
From: Judah McAuley [] 
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 10:40 AM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: Need suggestions - Interface design brainstorm

Those are really cool, Cam, thanks I'm going to have to pick some up.

I usually use white boards for my design sessions and sometimes
paper/pens/scissors. I also make sure to take pictures of the whiteboard
designs to capture them visually for reference when writing them up.

One other tool I've come to really like is Balsamiq:  It is surprisingly easy to make mock ups and the
visual interpretation encourages people to focus on the overall composition
of elements, not details of the elements like "this should be light blue and
this should have a thin bevel".


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 8:11 AM, Cameron Childress <>
> For stuff like this, I always bring these...
> They are large "Easel Size" dry erase sheets that cling to virtually 
> any surface.  So in a room without whiteboards (or with) you can bring 
> this with you to the meeting and each time you want to discuss 
> something new you can put up a new sheet without having to erase the 
> whiteboard.  You can also take them with you when you leave and put 
> them up in your office to ponder or transfer to a better electronic 
> version of whatever you draw or wrote.
> -Cameron
> On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 9:15 AM, C. Hatton Humphrey <>
>> Next week I am going to be sitting down with around 8 non-technical 
>> people to "re-evaluate" the interface for our intranet application.
>> Functionally and at the data level, the application works.  From a 
>> user interface perspective, however, the thing is "clunky" and 
>> because of that has not had a lot of user buy-in.
>> I want to come in to this meeting prepared to build some kind of 
>> paper or electronic mock-up of the various interface points.  What 
>> kind of resources would any of you bring to this kind of a meeting?  
>> We're not talking puppies and parasols here, this is an intranet 
>> application for handling payroll, benefits and bills.  The current 
>> site has a straight forward HTML interface with some very light AJAX.
>> So, what kinds of tools do you think I should prepare?
>> Thanks!
>> Until Later!
>> C. Hatton Humphrey
>> No trees were killed in the sending of this message, but a large 
>> number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

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