Do you blame them?  Publically traded corporations sole responsibility is to
deliver profits to their shareholders.  Period.  You don't do that and you
don't survive as a business.  I don't blame them one bit for using every bit
of accounting magic to make their numbers look better and reduce their tax
burden.  There are over 70,000 pages of tax code.  Most of it written by
businesses themselves through lobbyists and think tanks.  Why would they not
attempt to get the best bang for their buck?  We're not talking about social
issues here, we're talking about profits.  Shareholders could give two rats
asses less about social issues when their 401K or retirement fund is banking
on you turning a profit...

Do you as a taxpayer simply write down 28% (or whatever % of your income the
govt says you owe) of your gross income and send that in to the government?
Or do you take the deductions and itemize and find all the little nooks and
crannys (health care costs, mileage to and from the dr, donations to
charitable orgs, investment capital losses, etc, etc, etc...).  If you take
the deductions, even the standard exemption, then you are no better than
these corporations you are villfying.  You are cheating the government from
collecting your hard earned money!

I think your final quote looks much better like this:  "Systemic flaws in
Government as it is practiced today, is why the world is trending toward
this economic and socialistic mess."


-----Original Message-----
From: Vivec [] 
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2011 9:34 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: @sam why big business does NOT equal more jobs/revenue

Take a look at this infographic which explains what people have been saying
here for a while, and which you have denied.

All these large corporations and their highly paid CEOs etc. aren't putting
their share toward the US economy at all.

And from this we have the ripple effects through markets throughout the

The quote at the end though is the real tragedy: "It is unclear how to
remedy the situation.."

Systemic flaws in Capitalism as it is practiced today, is why the world is
trending toward this economic and social mess.

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