WASHINGTON -- A set of confidential federal audits accuse the nation’s five
largest mortgage companies of defrauding taxpayers in their handling of
foreclosures on homes purchased with government-backed loans, four officials
briefed on the findings told The Huffington Post.

The resulting reports read like veritable indictments of major lenders, the
sources said. State officials are now wielding the documents as leverage in
their ongoing talks with mortgage companies aimed at forcing the firms to
agree to pay fines to resolve allegations of routine violations in their
handling of foreclosures.

The audits conclude that the banks effectively cheated taxpayers by
presenting the Federal Housing Administration with false claims: They filed
for federal reimbursement on foreclosed homes that sold for less than the
outstanding loan balance using defective and faulty documents.

Two of the firms, including Bank of America, refused to cooperate with the
investigations, according to the sources. The audit on Bank of America finds
that the company -- the nation’s largest handler of home loans -- failed to
correct faulty foreclosure practices even after imposing a moratorium that
lifted last October. Back then, the bank said it was resuming foreclosures,
having satisfied itself that prior problems had been solved.


Wow. 0_0

So these bastards exacerbated the problem with an already bad economy and a

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