Maureen <> wrote: > > Huckabee and Trump are gone. Romney won't survive the primaries cause > the fundy's don't think Mormanism is a real religion.
The Republicans are in a bad spot because all of their normal talking points are in trouble: (1.) Small government. Regan and GWB were the largest spenders in recent history and the public - even the tea partiers! - want Medicare and social security. (2.) Strong defense. America is tired of 2 wars and Obama just got Bin Laden. (3.) Low taxes. Low taxes are not consistent with medicare, medicaid, and social security (4.) Social regulation. The majority are accepting of gay marriage and gays in the military. Condi Rice even said she was glad for it and that GWB hadn't "gotten around to it" because "he had a lot of things on his plate" (5.) Business friendly. This means Wall Street and most people are not quite looking up to Wall Street or CEOs these days. Newt tried to pivot towards Medicare and got killed. Trump tried delegitimize and got killed. Haley Barbour lost 40 lbs to run, but has decided there's no win there. It's going to be Romney, Pawlenty, and Ron Paul. and maybe a few no names. Romney will get the nomination and lose by a large margin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: