Jews, Muslims sue to block referendum on circumcision


An unusual coalition of Jews and Muslims filed suit on Wednesday to block a
November voter referendum seeking to ban male circumcision in San Francisco.

The lawsuit says the measure should be removed from the ballot on grounds
that under state law California cities cannot prohibit a "healing arts"
professionals from conducting a procedure they are licensed to perform.

Some legal experts have said that even if the referendum remained on the
ballot and were approved by a majority of the city's voters, such a measure
might face a legal challenge as an unconstitutional infringement on freedom
of religion.

Circumcision is a ritual obligation for infant Jewish boys, and a common
rite among Muslims, who account for the largest share of circumcised men
worldwide. Some critics of the practice argue that it amounts to genital

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San Fransisco, what a paradoxical place.  A liberal city where conformity is
being demanded more and more everyday.



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