Napolitano’s V.I.P.R. Vows to “Dominate,Intimidate and Control”the American

Since its inception in 2002,the Department of Homeland Security has grown
increasingly contemptuous of the rights of the American people. Indeed,the
Gestapo-like tactics of one of the Department’s better known masters of
overreach–the TSA–are responsible for countless examples of the
organizations daily assault on the Constitution.

But recently,another of Janet Napolitano’s handmaidens of harassment has
begun to make news…albeit only on the web,of course. It is the TSA’s Visible
Intermodal Prevention and Response task force–or VIPR. Organized into mobile
swat teams,VIPR has executed some 8,000 highly public searches in the past
12 months.

And what meaningful operations they have been.

In a Georgia Amtrac station,VIPR personnel “patted down”all
travelers,children and adults,both entering AND LEAVING the station.

In Santa Fe,New Mexico,teams of VIPR agents were assigned to conduct
searches at a high school prom.

In Texas,agents thoroughly “…searched all private and commercial vehicles
entering and exiting…”the port of Brownsville. EACH AND EVERY VEHICLE was
searched even though the task force was not responding to any known or
reported threat!

In April,VIPR staged a raid at a Tampa bus station. Once again,the teams
were not responding to any particular threat. Rather,Homeland Security
official Gary Milano said the purpose of the exercise was to “…invent the
wheel in advance,in case we have to,if there is ever specific intelligence
requiring us to be here.”

And two months later,VIPR targeted 5,000 square miles bordering West
Virginia,Ohio and Kentucky. Four hundred agents representing 70 federal
agencies appeared in Black Hawk helicopters,small planes and Coast Guard
craft. Once again this was a “training exercise.”As usual,no threat had been
suspected or reported. TSA official Michael Cleveland stated,“…the purpose
of the exercise was to have a visible presence and let people know we’re out

But who is being deterred,intimidated and threatened by these unnecessary
shows of force- certainly not terrorists.

“Uncontrolled search and seizure is one of the first and most effective
weapons in the arsenal of every arbitrary government…Among deprivations of
rights,none is so effective in cowing a population,crushing the spirit of
the individual and putting terror in every heart”,said Justice Robert
Jackson,the chief US prosecutor at Nuremberg.

 The American people are being systematically subjected to,and desensitized
to,warrantless searches and the most egregious and unnecessary forms of
personal humiliation by an organization whose raison d’etre is inscribed at
the TSA Air Marshall Training Center:DOMINATE,INTIMIDATE,CONTROL. And the
more often this is done,the more “reasonable”it will seem. Routine?
Acceptable? Like 10% unemployment,government harassment will become the “new
norm.”After all,it is for our own good!

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Henry Kissinger

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