Matt Damon, economic policy expert.

I'm going to check Amazon for some of his scholarly works to add to my stack
of Friedman, Von Mises, Sowell, and Hayak.



Those politicians, professors and union bosses who curse big business are
fighting for a lower standard of living. - Ludwig von Mises

My experience in getting money for Tuskegee has taught me to have no
patience with those people who are always condemning the rich because they
are rich, and because they do not give more to objects of charity. In the
first place, those who are guilty of such sweeping criticisms do not know
how many people would be made poor, and how much suffering would result, if
wealthy people were to part all at once with any large proportion of their
wealth in a way to disorganize and cripple great business enterprises -
Booker T. Washington

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